Vibe Music Vibe Music


Espai by Thrystero

Release Date: June 1, 2007
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The album is based on field recordings made in Barcelona, Spain. The album is like an audio-virtual trip through the city connecting sounds from the “different barrios”. Mixed in with the city sounds are improvised, and manipulated guitar, upright bass, acoustic piano and the occasional loop.


Bo Vibe – all music, guitars, acoustic piano and loops, field recordings.

Vemund Stavnes – Upright bass

Ole Marius Sandberg – Upright bass

Album Review

Discordant and actually quite beautiful
. Floats in and out of the rhythm and the samples... the background sounds come in and out and it's all really quite lovely! 

I think this is quite a sad tune - reminds me a wee bit of The Broadway Project's album "Compassion". 

Very professionally done, the guitar is lovely, the drums are fantastic without being overpowering... 

Everything just floats.. just right! 

Great tune... playlist here it comes!

- monkeypaste from Oxford, Oxon., United Kingdom on 20Jul2005 (originally on